
Nerium oleander
We all walk a path through life, although some of us are more aware of the way than others. This path is our own path of light and truth. Along it there are many sign posts that we recognise, showing we are indeed doing the right thing, living our life as we should. We feel safe and empowered on this path, comfortable with the direction we are traveling.

However, at times, the events of life force us off the path and we no longer sense the light in our mind. Our heart begins to close down and our aura diminishes in brightness. Emotionally we can experience, doubt, anxiety, depression or other negative feelings. The truth, light and love depart our lives like the sun going
behind a cloud.

Perhaps we have experienced some bad news or encountered a series of events that have broken our spirit and resolve. We may have become cynical or downhearted by what life has thrown at us. For some of us this loss of our light and direction is temporary, lasting only a few days or weeks, whilst for others it has seemingly become a permanent state of being that is painful to live with.

Suggested uses for Oleander:

  • at crucial times in our lives when we may falter on the path, unable to or doubtful about taking the next step forward
  • for temporary states of doubt about our purpose in life and direction
  • we are taking
  • when we feel lost
  • for those who have become cynical and down-hearted about their higher or true direction in life
  • when there is an absence of love, light and truth in our life
  • after unexpected events that could divert us from what we know we should be doing
  • to preserve our orientation towards our individual truth
  • to help us express love when the world seems to be against us.

Oleander is a robust tall shrub that is very noticeable in the summer for its profusion of sweet smelling pink or white flowers. Throughout the hot summer it flowers in the arid landscapes within the Iberian Peninsula. Part of its signature is that it forms thickets in the dried up watercourses, giving the impression of moving in a certain direction. This theme is also found in the flowers themselves for they form wheels, suggesting the turning of a full circle.


This spiral bound 87 page book gives full page descriptions of all of the 38 flower oils. The descriptions explore the personality types and universal principles that are associated with the oils and their parallel flower remedies. The impact of each oil upon the subtle anatomy is also described as well as down to earth suggestions on how each essence can be used. This is backed up with a complete cross-referenced Repertory containing 200 headings. There is also information on how to use them, how they are made, the genesis and background to their making, how they differ from essential oils, botanical notes

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