
posted 20/07/2020


Frankie has been seen to be at least 60 times less deadly than originally thought.

The computer modelling used to shape our response to the pandemic was that produced by Neil Furguson of Imperial College, which predicted a 3% case fatality rate (CFR).  The actual figure is presently calculated to be in the region of 0.05%, 60 times less and will become even lower over the next few months in the northern hemisphere.


A 3% case fatality rate is very serious and in the over 70s this is the actual rate.  Covid-19 is very serious for this age group.  However, in those under the age of 60 the CFR is only 0.002%, making Frankie 1,500 times less deadly to those under 60 years of age than those over 70.


In England and Wales (it will be similar in many other countries in the northern hemisphere) the summer death rate has not been above the average, the amount of people who are expected to die is normal.

Ignore covid deaths, these figures are completely misleading.  The figures that can be relied on are those showing the overall death rates. The normal death rate in England and Wales is about 10,000 per week; that’s how many people normally die.  In April the weekly death rate doubled for two weeks but then gradually returned to the average by late May and remains average to date.  This pattern is consistent with the rise and fall in covid related deaths in many similar countries in the northern hemisphere.


The global media have hyped the seriousness of the pandemic out of all proportions whilst at the same time censoring the alternative narrative, which includes a holistic view of viruses and does not put us at war and fearful of them.  It really is best not to take what the mainstream reports seriously, look elsewhere for reliable facts and ignore all the fearmongering.  Do not equate the covid cases they constantly tell us about with illness or deaths.


Epidemiological studies from May 2020, using the covid-19 antibody test, suggested that between 3-6% of the population had already been infected by or encountered the virus.  A current conservative estimate (late July 2020) is 10%.  This figure will continue to rise as covid-19 is highly infectious.  Herd immunity is reached when the figure reaches 70%.  Obviously, we still have some way to go to reach this but considering the death rate is not rising during the summer, infection is not a major concern, in fact it is to be welcomed to develop immunity.  Hug for Health.


Covid-19 is no more than a bad bout of flu and in the UK we had that in April.

“If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic cases and minimally symptomatic cases for covid-19 is as several times as high as the reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%.  This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of covid-19 may be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases U.S.A.  This quote is from his lead article in New England Medical Journal March 2020


Kids rarely become sick through exposure to the virus.  Even in one mainstream UK newspaper it was   recently stated that a child is more likely to die of being hit by lightning than dying from covid-19.


The chances of being infected outside during the summer with a high enough dose of covid-19 to cause any illness, are virtually zero.  Just like the flu.  Long live the summer!


There is emerging evidence that covid-19 is becoming less virulent as it mutates. 


“It is rare for asymptomatic cases to infect others.”  Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove.  WHO Technical Lead Covid-19.

She goes on to explain that through track and trace they have been following the contacts of those that tested positive but showed no symptoms.  It is very rare for anyone else to become infected. Asymptomatic carriers do not infect others.  Or to put in plain speech, healthy people don’t spread disease.  The wearing of face masks should be required only when someone is sick as they are detrimental to health in many ways, including increasing carbon dioxide and reducing oxygen in the blood.