Cherry Plum
Positive Qualities:
· Calm strength in a crisis
Being solid as a rock
Having control of our thoughts and feelings
Emotional balance and stability
Confidence in acting on the basis of truth and reality
Patterns of Imbalance:
- Fear of losing control
- Fear of having a mental breakdown or doing something bad
- Uncontrolled irrational thoughts
- Desperation
- Murderous or suicidal tendencies
Cherry Plum is one of the five remedies Bach included in his now famous Rescue Remedy, the first ever flower essence combination.
The state of being associated with Cherry Plum is extreme. People who are in the state treatable by this remedy are close to some form of nervous, emotional or mental breakdown. Cherry Plum is an acute anxiety state that always contains dark, brutal, murderous thoughts. What is most scary for those afflicted with this state of consciousness is the awareness that they could do considerable harm to themselves of others.
Cherry Plum is a ‘pressure pot’ state of being, ‘a one final straw may tip me over the edge’ place to be. For those in Cherry Plum Hell is just around the corner and there is a strong sense of being push towards it. Uncontrolled outbreaks of temper, fear of losing one’s mind are common descriptions given by those in need of this remedy. The dark subconscious monster is on the prowl and wants to raise its ugly head.
I remain strong under extreme stress
I am calm and courageous
I choose to be balanced and stable and all times
I am solid as a rock
I do what benefits my highest good