
Relationship Trauma: Flower Essence Combination

£ 7.50 each Weight: 100 g


Foxglove - calming to the emotions that emerge in relationship trauma: shock, grief, sense of loss, anger, confusion, anxiety, humiliation, rejection vulnerability - a heart protector to help us realise where our personal boundaries really lie.

Cape Sorrel -indicated for the inappropriate signals we subconsciously give out to attract closeness and warmth into our lives -for the pain created by the fundamental desire to love and be loved.

Lunar Primrose - addresses the wounds we carry in our heart from previous relationships - for painful past-life connections.

Field Marigold - indicated for the tendency to project issues and problems on to those that we love - for maintenance and re-establishment of common ground and constructive communication.

Toadflax - to help foster a greater degree of independence - for loneliness and feeling emotionally needy and clingy.

Hotentot Fig - helps us see life from another's point of view - useful when there is breakdown in relationship. Moricandia - for greater empathy and better communications over sensitive issues.

Cardoon Thistle - indicated when the heart has closed down to protect itself from further injury or insult. In the closed heart resides such emotions as resentment, sense of being wronged, hatred, suspicion and injured pride. For forgiveness.

Crimson Pea - assists the soul through the process of personal transformation, the profound changes we experience as we move in and out of intimate relationships - allows us to appreciate the blessings we receive at these times.

Sage - increases self-confidence by stimulating the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Red Dead Nettle - addresses issues that arise out of sexual drive, libido, personal power and possessions - Sacral Chakra balancer.

Christ Thorn - to help prevent the spiritual bond of love between two individuals breaking, no matter what occurs on the material level - in love there is no separation.

Bleeding Heart -for the learning of the deeper lessons of love.

Dose: 4 drops on tongue, 4 times daily.

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