
The Moon Flowers is a set of 45, and counting, flower remedies made under moonlight. They are used to heal the wounds we carry from the past, be that from this lifetime or previous lives.

Nearly all flower remedies utilise the power of sunlight to capture their therapeutic vibrational impulses. The Moon Flowers, however, are made under the Moon: they have a very different quality to solarised flowers and are used in a different way. This article explains the differences between the qualities that radiate from the Sun and the Moon and why the absorption of moonlight into flower remedies allows their healing to reach down into our souls, helping us release deeply held dysfunctional energetic patterns.

Although the Sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth and the Moon a mere ¼ million miles, within our sky these two celestial bodies appear exactly the same size. This can be seen dramatically when the Moon eclipses the Sun: the lunar disk perfectly covers the solar disk. For those who look for the mysteries and magical aspects of life, it is not a freak coincidence of nature but a symbol pointing to the Sun and Moon having equal importance in our lives – the celestial Yin and Yang.

Spirit and Soul
The Sun is associated with daytime, light, being awake, conscious and aware. The Sun invigorates us, connects to our life-force, our spirit. The Sun shines its light into the darkness, the unknown, and therefore
is synonymous with the fundamental concept of truth. It gives the Earth all the heat and light it needs to create and sustain life. In its presence we feel relaxed and joyful. Not only does it radiate a physical heat but a spiritual heat which we call love. The Sun sits at the all-important heart of the solar system and within us our ‘inner sun’ can be found in our own heart, where we feel love, truth and life. The Sun’s regularity and unchanging face points to the fact that love is
constant and eternal.

The Moon, however, has none of these associations for it shines at night, when we sleep and dream. The sub-conscious is the realm of the Moon. Its light, reflected from the Sun, is pale and cold, making the world look very different. Within the realms of the Moon there is less to stimulate our senses, more opportunities for our inner world to emerge. Unlike the Sun, the lunar disk constantly changes. The Moon speaks to a different part of our being, yet a part that is as important to us as our solar spirit, life-force or ego. The solar part of our being is extrovert and projects, while the lunar part is introvert and reflects. This solar part can be considered masculine, while the lunar feminine.  The Sun is our spirit and the Moon is our soul. Like the spirit, the soul
is eternal.

Our spirit is the active and dynamic aspect of our spiritual nature; it is always growing and maturing, continually moving on from experiences and adventures in search of the new. Our spirit quests. On the other hand our soul’s growth and evolution occurs as a direct result of the spirit’s action. The actions and reactions of our spirit’s continual movement into the future leave impressions upon our soul. Our soul is the receptacle of our spirit’s impulses, a reflection of its desires. When we look at a new-born child we see its innocence and lifepotential - this is its spirit. Yet when we look into its eyes we see a profound wisdom, the ‘Child of the Universe’ who has been here before and will be here again - this is its soul.

A belief widely accepted in the vast majority of cultures across the globe is that at some point after death the soul returns to Earth, incarnating within a new physical body. The doctrines laid down by the early Christian Church 1,600 years ago prohibited a belief in reincarnation and unfortunately it has spent all of those years since repressing any heretical sects that disagree with the orthodox belief that on death we go to meet our maker, never to return.

If we open our hearts and minds to the possibility that our eternal soul incarnates, not once but many times in the physical form, each time growing, maturing and evolving, we begin to perceive life with more depth. We can reconcile within us traumatic, tragic, negative or unlucky events if we believe that as their effects filter down they provide material from which the soul can grow and evolve, become wiser, more experienced and better equipped for future lives. If we can remember that there are younger, less experienced souls walking the Earth alongside older, wiser souls, we are in a much better position to accept mistakes, failures, indiscretions, be less quick to criticise and more willing to accept and forgive.

Our perception of our own life and the lives of those around us is restricted so much by our inability to understand the workings of the soul as it evolves through many incarnations. However, if we can but acknowledge and accept this earthly limitation we move towards a state of consciousness where we can begin to learn from, and make some sense of, the seemingly random and senseless nature of living.

Soul – Foundation that Shapes Life
The soul is like a slab of malleable clay that receives impressions from the experiences the spirit creates and encounters during incarnation. Many of these impressions are light and are washed away between lives and so do not become karmic in nature. However, over many incarnations the soul is shaped by the experiences encountered whilst in the physical form. It could be said that the soul develops a landscape, mountains, valleys and lakes that are retained through many life times. Although the personality is different in each life, it sits on top of the soul and is influenced by its contours.

Individual souls are often drawn to a whole series of incarnations where they encounter similar experiences. This continual repetition and reinforcement leaves profound impressions upon the soul, adding to the character of the soul’s landscape. Many of these soul features are skills and talents that have been developed over a series of lives. Profound life experiences that have deep and far-reaching consequences can also leave lasting marks upon the soul and be carried across into future lives. These types of experiences can be likened to a meteorite hitting the soul’s landscape or perhaps the eruption of a volcano. Although such events are not exclusively distressing and painful, the very nature of life in the physical body means that we are exposed and vulnerable to events that traumatise us to the very core of our being, wound us at the soul level.

We all have impressed into our souls wounds from previous lives. Frequently such karmic wounds reoccur in subsequent lives because the soul is wounded or weakened in a certain area and therefore vulnerable. Yet the soul is also drawn to what it knows, what it has experienced and therefore situations will arise that wound the soul in a similar fashion, rub salt into its wound so to speak. Every karmic wound is a wise wound, a wound from which our soul learns deep lessons. Although we find the lessons painful they are for our souls the fuel to propel spiritual evolution and growth. When our souls grow, we feel pain.

Healing with Moon Flowers
Having been lunarised, rather than solarised, the therapeutic energies of the Moon Flowers work upon the soul. At present there are 45 to choose from, all with a specific healing for the soul. Below are short descriptions of six of the Moon Flowers to give you an idea of what these remedies can be used for.

LUNAR ALDER eases present life problems that occur because of past life disempowerment through sexual servitude, rape, prostitution, abuse or family incest. It also treats the guilt and self-disgust of those who are aware that they have sexually abused in the past.


lunar alder flower remedy
£ 6.95 each Lunar Alder Choose options

LUNAR GROUND IVY is for souls who have in a previous life suffered at the hands of an unfair legal system. They may have been wrongly  accused and convicted, had an unfair trial, punished severely for a trivial offence and been unfairly labelled by society as a criminal.

Lunar Ground Ivy
£ 6.95 each Lunar Ground Ivy Choose options

LUNAR HAZEL can be given to heal deep or fatal wounds inflicted on the physical body by sharp or heavy weapons in a previous life. Such intensely traumatic injuries can resurface in future incarnations as complaints in the area of the body that was injured in a past life. Hazel is also used to aid release of old and outworn ideas, emotions or possessions that hinder living in the moment.

Lunar Hazel
£ 6.95 each Lunar Hazel Choose options

LUNAR POPPY is for those souls who have in previous lives stood on a battlefield and seen their comrades killed. Poppy is for the souls who have witnessed the most inhuman and barbaric scenes within the theatre of war. It also addresses the tensions created by losing loved ones during war.

y  Lunar poppy flower remedy
£ 6.95 each Lunar Poppy Choose options

LUNAR THISTLE is the remedy for past life imprisonment. Thistle treats the loneliness and isolation of past life detention. Being separated from loved ones has profound psychological effects that can manifest in present life relationships. Yearning to escape, deep frustration, anger and the over development of the inner life at the expense of the outer are all common symptoms of a past life behind bars.

lunar thistle flower remedy
£ 6.95 each Lunar Thistle Choose options

LUNAR WOUNDWORT can be used to heal any form of past life robbery, be it material, emotional, mental or spiritual. Lack of trust in present life relationships is a common symptom of this karmic condition. It is the remedy for those who have in the past been robbed or cheated of something that has been of great value.

lunar woundwort flower remedy
£ 6.95 each Lunar Woundwort Choose options

The Moon Flowers are at the stock level of dilution and are used like any other flower remedy, two drops on the tongue, four times daily. Alternatively the drops can be put in a glass of water to be sipped or made up into a dosage bottle like all other flower essences.

Everyone has their own healing journey and their own way of responding to Moon Flowers. For some the effects of these essences are powerful and dramatic, particularly so if they are taken during meditation. For others their effects are gentle and subtle. Some clear the dysfunctional patterns within their souls very quickly with the aid
of these remedies, while for others the process is much slower and more convoluted. For the soul the Moon Flowers facilitate evolution: for our personalities they provide us with a tool to help us heal our karmic wounds.

Accessing the Past
There is a little story that tells of how we get our philtrum, that part of our face between the upper lip and nose. Before conception as we are preparing to descend into our physical bodies, an angel, using its thumb, fore finger and middle finger, squeezes us just above the mouth to stop us remembering where we have come from. It certainly seems to work because we do have extremely poor recall of our time in the spirit worlds and previous lives.

The Moon Flowers present us with a tool to help us access the past, reclaim our spiritual heritage. Simply by reading the descriptions of the remedies we might be able to access our soul memory if one or more of the descriptions rings that bell deep down inside, makes the hairs on the back of our neck rise, provokes our intuition to say, “that’s me.” With access to a set we can also hold in turn each bottle and feel which one(s) speaks to us by making our hand tingle. Dowsing with a pendulum for a positive swing, either over the bottles or simply the names of the remedies, is also a well-tried and tested way of discovering which of the essences would be beneficial.

see all moon flower remedies here

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