Sunflowers are big in every conceivable way in Bulgaria. As you drive through the vast fields it feels as if the crowds are all watching you, smiling at you, turning their heads as you drive by.
Then, after a week or so, their heads no longer follow the course of the Sun but droop, as if they are have fallen asleep. The seeds in those expansive spiral heads are forming and ripening.
In what seems no time at all you can hear them starting to crack under that big Bulgarian Sun, and know that the combines will soon be coming to expose the black, cracked earth to the vast skies found here in the former Bread Basket of Russia.
It is such a striking plant, one might even say archetypal, so it is not difficult to imagine what it is used for as a flower essence. “The qualities of Sunflower flower essence are closely related to those of the astrological significance of the Sun, therefore this flower remedy is a balancer of the ego. It helps us to shine and show our true self. Sunflower is also associated with the masculine aspect of self; it is useful for a poor relationship with the male aspect of oneself or father. Physical Indicators : poor posture, strains in the spinal column (relates to the long stem) and heart disease; sunburn and heat exhaustion.”
The use of the seed essence is also drawn from Sunflower’s powerful signature. All seed essences have a quality of dormancy, the slowing down and stopping after the activity of the growing season. This quality is so powerfully displayed in the Sunflower. When I brought the mother tincture home I immediately set it to work by adding it to our Sleep combination. Such a useful plant.

The qualities of Sunflower flower essence are closely related to those of the astrological significance of the Sun. Therefore this flower remedy is a balancer of the ego. It helps us to shine and show our true self. Sunflower is also associated with the masculine aspect of self; it is useful for a poor relationship with one`s male self or father.Physical Indicators : poor posture, strains in the spinal column and heart disease; sunburn and heat exhaustion.
We use Sunflower flower essence in our "Fairy Magic" and "Self Empowerment" flower and seed essence combinations.
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This combination of six flower essences and two seed essences is one of our best selling remedies to help us find a deeper and more relaxing sleep.
Passion Flower is widely used homoeopathically for sleep disorders: its vibrations are transferred to the flower essence.
White Chestnut is the flower remedy when we can not prevent thoughts, ideas and arguments from entering our mind.
Lloydia is the essence to use when we suffer from disrupted nights.
Forget-me-Not eases tensions in the dream state.
Chamomile is a well-known herb with calming qualities that are transferred to the flower essence.
Morning Glory soothes nervousness and over worry.
Cleaver and Sunflower seed essences bring the quality of slowing and calming down, becoming quiet and dormant.
Dose: take on retiring or alternatively take 4 drops on tongue, 4 times daily to accustom the body to nightly sleep.
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